Campaigns for Shawn LeBlanc

Accelerator Monthly Ad Spend: $1,500

Chime Dynamic Ads

Ad Spend: $300/month (billed directly by Chime) | CRM Lead Source: Chime Paid Lead

Chime Dynamic Ads pull listings (not necessarily your own) directly from your MLS, in an effort to continue driving traffic back to your team's search page. The listings that appear in these ads change dynamically as listings go on and off the market. These ads are geared toward buyers and focus on the top of the funnel traffic. However, 20% of the ad budget for this campaign focuses on retargeting those that have already searched for homes on your website.


Farming & Retargeting Campaigns

Ad Spend: $150/month (billed directly by Adroll)

Unlike other channels, the main objective of these campaigns is to focus on branding and brand awareness. Commonly know as display or banner ads, these campaigns display across the web, increasing your brand recall and brand affinity. These ads are geared toward both buyers and sellers and focus on the top of the funnel (geographic targeting or "farming") and middle of the funnel (retargeting).

Google Pay Per Click

Ad Spend: $1,000/month (billed directly by Google)

Automated Follow Up

AI Assistant* | Smart Plans | Listing Alerts

*AI Assistant starts at $69 and is billed directly by Chime. It is set to respond to leads between 8AM-8PM (will qualify leads created during inactive hours when back to active).